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Music from the

1950's, 1960's,1970's,1980's,

and 1990's 

Click the Jukebox to WGHT Live

Radio Geared


North Jersey!

Everyone at WGHT Radio would like to remind you music requests

can be submitted to [email protected] 

Radio the way it used to be!

the best DJ's & the only

in Northern New Jersey!

24 Hours A Day, On Your I-Phone,

"Live and Local Radio"

WGHT reaches over

4-million residents who

live within our listening area. Radio the way it should be and used to be,


Click to listen live

"Oorah" & "Semper Fidelis"

To the Marine Corps League

Lakeland Detachment #744

Thank you for this great honor and

God Bless You All!

 Every 3rd Saturday of each month, please attend

the Marine Corp League Breakfast

which is held

at the:

Oakland V.F.W. Hall

65 Oak Street

Oakland, New Jersey 07436